January 17, 2025 
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Lesson One:
How to hold the sticks, The Mighty Two and Preparation For A Rock and Roll Backbeat

Lesson Two: The Single Paradiddle and the Five Stroke Roll

The 7 Essential Rudiments

34 Additional Rudiments: More Advanced Rudiments

Upbeats and Downbeats: Playing with Three Limbs!


Wrists Of Fury

Deep Fried Drums

Drum Tuning Tips

Setting Up Your Drums

Making Practice Count



Once you are familiar with downbeats and upbeats, it is time to play them in combinations. The following examples are the simplest of these combinations. As always, start slowly, but keep the tempo steady. Find the speed that they become playable for you and stay with it for a few days. Every day the pattern will become more natural. Pick a slightly faster tempo and play it for a few minutes without stopping. Strive to make it relaxed with a strong GROOVE. Suggested Tempo 76-88 bpm (beats per minute)



to see and hear these played order "Dawn Of The Drummer"

Quarter Note (downbeat) Cymbal Pattern

This pattern is very important in the use of PUNK and SPEED METAL and any style that is FAST!!! The ride cymbal or the hihat is played on downbeats with 2 and 4 backbeat on the snare drum. Any combination of downbeats or upbeats can be used in the bass drum, but here are some simple ones to get you started. Suggested Tempo - start slow, then 200-300 bpm!

Example 4. see movie

Example 5.

Sixteen Note (double time ) Feel

Another essential groove, this pattern is used in FUNK or SOUL styles. It is used in slow to moderate tempos most often. Begin with the right hand on the closed hihat. When you get comfortable, try it on the ride cymbal but be careful not to overplay the ride because it will get very noisy! Suggested Tempo 54 bpm

see movie

add the bass drum in downbeats (four on the floor) and then the snare drum on 2 and 4

In the next example we play the sixteenths with alternating rights and lefts on the closed hihat. This sound became very popular in 70's DISCO and has been used ever since. Accent the first right in every group of four sixteenths and move the right hand to the snare drum on 2 and 4. This is a really FUN and USEFUL pattern and can be played VERY FAST!


see movie


What is a drum fill? Simply put, it is a short rhythmic idea played by the drummer to fill a space at the end of a vocal or instrumental phrase. The most basic drum fill is derived from a single stroke roll played around the whole drum set (snare, small tom, medium tom, floor tom). It is simply sixteenth notes played four on each drum. Practice these slow at first, thinking about your hand and stick position when moving from drum to drum.

see movie

Now add it to the following backbeat.

Try a fill on beat 3 and 4 only see movie

Adding a cymbal crash.

Cymbal crashes add dynamic accents and "color" to your playing and you can get started with this easy example.

Play the "crash" on the downbeat 1 with your right hand and play eighths on your hihat or ride cymbal on +2+3+4+ Keep repeating until comfortable!

see movie

Now add "2 and 4" backbeats on the snare drum and a simple bass drum part such as the one shown.


see movie

Finally, put all the previous parts together ! FUN! FUN! FUN! (except for the neighbors)

Acceptance Mark