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Lesson One:
How to hold the sticks, The Mighty Two and Preparation For A Rock and Roll Backbeat

Lesson Two: The Single Paradiddle and the Five Stroke Roll

The 7 Essential Rudiments

34 Additional Rudiments: More Advanced Rudiments

Upbeats and Downbeats: Playing with Three Limbs!


Wrists Of Fury

Deep Fried Drums

Drum Tuning Tips

Setting Up Your Drums

Making Practice Count



Deborah Feess-Los Angeles County Prosecutor
February 2007

Dave started teaching my 8 year old son, Davey, about 5 years ago. Like most parents of young children, I had the feeling that Davey's interest in drums would be short-lived, once he found out that it actually took some work before you became a rock star! Well, due in large part to Dave's personality and teaching style, my son is still drumming away and having a great time doing it. It is no small task to relate to a second grader and then grow with him! Dave is nurturing, patient, enthusiastic, inspirational, flexible and a great mentor. I could not have asked for a better experience for my son.

Matt Tixier age 18 Pasadena, CA
February 2007

My name is Matt Tixier and I have been taking lessons from Dave for about six years now. I started off with absolutely no musical education whatsoever. Today I feel that I have made a tremendous amount of progress and developed an appreciation for all kinds of music. Like most twelve-year-olds, I wanted to be a rock n’ roll drummer. Dave showed me that there was a lot to learn before you are ready to get up on stage. He has taught me the importance of stick control, chart reading, and syncopation. I had no idea what these were, nor did I know how much they factored into how well you could play. As I started learning these things, Dave began teaching me new styles of music. It was then that I really understood the importance of the drummer. I had also started listening to new styles of music. Today I can play a lot more than just rock. I feel lucky to have been able to take lessons from Dave. I know now that a good teacher will teach you what you want to learn. A great teacher will teach you that, and jazz, and bossa nova. Dave excels at teaching and I would highly recommend him for anyone interested in playing the drums.

Jennifer Winn, 39
Jan. 2006

I have been a student of Dave's since the beginning of 2005. I didn't know what to expect and was apprehensive about learning a new skill at this point in my life. I was hoping to have chosen a good teacher. I know this can make all the difference in the world...and it has. I have been pleasantly surprised and pleased with Dave's ability to teach drums. I have learned so much in such a short time. I always leave lessons with a lighter spirit and more confidence. Dave is not only a skilled musician, but someone who knows how to patiently break down those skills into understandable parts for his students. This is the sign of a natural teacher. I have been a teacher myself for 16 years, and I am convinced that one of the most challenging areas of teaching is how to effectively transfer knowledge. Dave has mastered this in teaching drums. He is also very personable, caring, and encouraging. This motivates his students even more. Although it may take me a very long time to call myself a drummer, I am confident that I have the best teacher to help me get there. There is no doubt that I will refer interested future drummers to Dave Bedrock's American Drum School.

Lisa T-Los Angeles CA
Winter 2005

I started taking lessons from Dave when I thought I was too old to start. Little did I know that with the proper training I could learn so much. We started with the basics and eventually to the more complicated rudiments. He made it easy to learn and was very encouraging as well. It was always fun to learn new and more challenging things from him. He made drumming fun and exciting each week.

David Pies

I started playing drums after I turned 60. I discovered American Drum School on the internet. I called Dave Bedrock and began taking lessons. Dave is a great teacher, he had me doing exercises like the double stroke roll and triplet rolls. What I really like is when he shows me how it should be done. Dave is an awesome drummer.

I love the sound of the drums and their interrelationship with the cymbals. Sometimes they sound like a thunderstorm, with the patter of rain on the roof and the crash of lightning. Sometimes like the beating of one’s heart. I have a greater appreciation of all kinds of music. I feel lucky that I have discovered drumming. For me, drumming is like a spiritual experience.

Via Internet

Hi Dave,
I received the rudiments tape and was able to watch it last night.

What a great tape!

I like the way you clearly demonstrate each rudiment, paradiddle, and flam technique. By beginning slowly and building speed with each technique it shows the student (me) what the technique should sound like.

Thanks for the encouraging word for my Leslie, my daughters, private lessons. She is starting to really get into it. I have a hard time finding the time to get in "skin time" on the drums, so I keep working on sticking as much as I can. I am seeing results, just take time.

Your check for the video will go out in Wednesdays mail. Hope all is going well for you. Talk to you later...John

Maureen Hummel
Via Internet

Hi Dave,

Just thought I'd send a note to say I received the videos. They are great!

I've been struggling to find the most efficient way to set up my kit and your description of how to do it really helped.

I had been working on the rudiments I had printed off your webpage, but wasn't sure I was doing all of them right. Now I can hear how they're supposed to sound. I really had trouble with the flams, but at least now I can keep going back to the video and hear the correct way to play them.

I have noticed in the couple of weeks I have been practicing the rudiments that there has been a noticeable improvement in my playing. I would never have thought it could happen so fast.

Thanks for sending the videos so fast and I'm looking forward to receiving "Dawn of the Drummer". Will any of your upcoming videos give ideas of how to incorporate fill into a song? This is something I am having trouble with.

Anyway, gotta run.

Have a great day!

Joel Patterson
Age: 27 Los Angeles, CA

I first came to Dave when I was 15 and only knew the basics. Dave has taught me so much over the last 12 years. I really don't think I'd be half the drummer I am today without his excellent teaching abilities. He is also one of the finest and most musical drummers around today. I am still constantly learning from him even after all these years.

Joel Patterson has been a prominent drummer in the LA music scene since 1989. He has toured the US as well as Japan and Europe and is currently a member of recording artists "Gene Loves Jezebel."

Debra A. Tocalino
Age: 38
Attorney at Law, Law Offices of the LA County Public Defender

I came to Dave "Bedrock" Bedrosian 6 months ago as a stressed out professional in need of fun who had never held a pair of drumsticks in my hands. At our first meeting I told Dave my goal was to be able to play along with my rock and roll CD's. Some four months later, I was happily playing along to my favorite CD. Now, I am able to read notes and play fairly complex drum charts utilizing all the pieces in my drum set. The sheer physical joy of playing my drums has dramatically reduced my stress level and I look forward to mastering each new technique under Dave's patient tutelage. Dave's obvious love of his instrument and his craft, coupled with his enthusiasm as I master each new rudiment is what sets Dave apart from others. Simply put, Dave is the world's greatest drum teacher!

Feel free to drop Dave a line at Dave's Email

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